Monday, June 22, 2009

8 Things!

Kim tagged me, so here goes:

8 Things I Did Yesterday!

1. Dusted

2. Printed pictures off our computer

3. Held our 2 month old niece, Cambden

4. Missed my girls being that little

5. Enjoyed cookout with good friends and family

6. Watched kids run, play, laugh, cry, squeal, (& loved every minute lol)

7. Kissed my husband

8. Laughed ALOT!

8 Things I Look Forward To:

1. Lazy Days at the Pool

2. Regan's 7th Birthday!

3. Nice, sunny weather

4. Anniversary Trip - love you Bryan :)

5. Getting hugs and kisses from my girls

6. Taking days off from work

7. My next Scrapbook magazine to arrive in the mail

8. Traveling with Bryan after retirement (yes I know it's quite a long ways away)

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:

1. Be More Patient

2. Play an instrument

3. Win the lottery

4. Own a restaurant some day

5. Be more creative and artsy

6. Get front row seats to a Dave Matthews Band concert, (For Bryan)

7. Sometimes... Make Time Stand Still

8. Keep ALL children in this world safe and in a loving home!!

8 Shows I Watch On TV:

1. Greys Anatomy

2. So You Think You Can Dance

3. Whatever, Martha

4. Today Show

5. Everyday Italian with Giada (Food Network)

6. Two and A Half Men

7. Hell's Kitchen

8. Disney Channel, depends on what time in the day

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I think you are really patient, much more than me!! Now you must tag someone else!