Considering the size of our families, and the fact that we both have too much stuff and not enough house, the Phipps' and the Austins decided to have a monster, 4th of July yard sale extravaganza this past weekend.
As depicted by the picture above, the girlies had a great idea and decided to set up a lemonade stand. They would have made a profit if their store would have stayed open for more than 10 minutes. I basically had just enough time to take this picture...then they started to drink their product, hide the proceeds from one another, and use up all 150 plastic cups among the 5 of them...all within twenty minutes.
Now, on to the grown ups...we learned a lot as well. We are not yard sale professionals by any means, but we stumbled upon a few pointers that will be helpful in the future, or to whoever else would like to have a yard sale.
1. Offer free delivery!! People ate that up...It was the hardest part for Bryan and Chris, but I have a sneaking suspicion they didn't mind getting away for awhile.
2. Salt does not taste good in coffee, even if it does look like sugar.
3. Put a futon in the adds ambience and serves as a great place to chill during the slow periods.
4. Kim LOVES!! cherry-limeades. We will make sure that is on-hand for the duration next time.
5. Put a jump-o-lene in the entertained the kids for awhile. Kiddies do not like yard sales.
6. One man's junk is another man's treasure, it's always the things that you don't expect to sell that go first, such as a box full of a bachelor's unused kitchen utensils, or a diaper genie full of three-year old diapers!
7. After a few hours, just go inside and put out a sign, "Ring Doorbell for Service." It gives people an opportunity to steal stuff, and getting rid of the junk is the objective anyway.
8. Yes, some women do still prefer to have a whopping chaw of 'baccer in their mouths while shopping for treasures!
9. It takes $20 worth of gas to drive to the lake, even if you don't drive.
10. Oh yeah, did I mention that Kim loves cherry limeades....yeah, I did.
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