Abby is officially a Pre-K graduate. :) I can't believe how much she has grown up. She has become a beautiful, smart, and loving little lady. The kids sang a few songs together, and Abby told us a few months ago that she had a special part where she sings solo. It's been very hush hush, she wouldn't tell us anything about it. So we were very excited to see and hear this special performance.
Few things to know about Abby:
She is a very caring and emotional little thing. She makes every effort to comfort her sisters when needed. And I say emotional because when she gets her feelings hurt, oh my goodness!!, get out of the way. She will start to cry and stomp to her room and slam the door. (However, we are working on the slamming the door part, it's ok to show emotions, but slamming the door is not acceptable). :)
Abby has a very carefree spirit about her. She really has so much fun at whatever she is doing. And her laugh is contagious. When we hear her laugh, and I mean her from the gut kinda laugh, well it just makes us laugh as well. We were actually in the car the other day, and we heard Abby just a chuckling away about something, Bryan and I had to just laugh with her, it was so funny to hear her.
Abby loves to be on stage and perform. She loves her dance class. I really believe this is something she will continue to do as she gets older.
As you can see from the video, Abby also LOVES dessert time. This little girl thinks about desserts day and night. When she is eating dinner, she is constantly thinking about how much longer until it's time for dessert. Cracks us up.
Lastly, Abby is somewhat on the clumsy side. Bless her heart, she is so carefree that she doesn't pay a lot of attention to what she's doing. It's so funny because she can be walking down the hall and being in her own little world, she will walk right into the wall. This reminds me of a time when we were at Red Lobster. Abby was sitting on the edge of the booth and just out of nowhere she was talking and then poof, she falls right down into the floor. Hilarious.
But even being on the clumsy side, she will dance just as graceful and not miss a beat. :)
So, our hats are tipped to Abby today. We are very proud of her and love her very much!! Kindergarten, here she comes!!